Chapter History


The re-establishment of the Psi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi began when a faculty member, Management Professor Loren Kuzahara, realized that there was no active chapter of Delta Sigma Pi at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He contacted Central Office, and in October 2008, Brothers Andrew Ochoa and Kimberly Ward made a trip up to Madison to present to interested students about what the fraternity was. Less than a month later, a committee was established to attempt to reactivate the Psi Chapter at UW-Madison. This committee was called the Reactivation and Planning Committee, and it consisted of eight people. These future brothers included Rachel Brecher, Cody Candee, David Haerterich, Scott Peiser, Lisa Rosenblum, Andy Sepiol, Eric Stupnitsky and Ada Sze.

In the winter of 2009, the Psi Chapter, then known as the Beta Epsilon Mu Colony, began its first official semester. Recruiting with no prior events to talk about to potential members, the colony ended with an official membership total of 22, a 300% increase from the start of the semester. The first order of business was to elect the rest of the executive committee. After that, the semester consisted of several professional, community service and social events. These events included a Microsoft Excel instructional workshop, Relay for Life, and trips to the local comedy club. The colony began the semester with zero funds and ended with around $200 and pending grants of over $1000. In April of 2009, the executive committee began plans for what would become a monumental semester for the colony in the fall.

In September of 2009, the fall recruiting rush began with a bang. Within a short two weeks, the colony tripled membership once again to more than 60 members. In terms of finances, since January 2009, Beta Epsilon Mu raised over $7500 by November 2009.

The colony gained the attention of the Wisconsin School of Business from the very beginning. With the help of two faculty advisors and various others, the colony was able to solidify its role at the school. Partnerships with other student organizations at the university helped spread the word of Delta Sigma Pi and created positive relationships with other groups. In the fall semester, the colony’s identity began to take shape with participation at student organization fairs, weekly and bi-weekly meetings, and an efficient communication and attendance policy system.

It quickly became apparent to both Delta Sigma Pi board members and UW-Madison faculty that the Beta Epsilon Mu colony showed tremendous enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work by successfully implementing a wide variety of beneficial events on-campus and actively participating in National Fraternity events. As a result, the colony was officially granted a chapter charter in March of 2010. Since then, the Psi Chapter has continued to grow, becoming one of the most respected and recognized organizations in the Wisconsin School of Business. With nearly 80 current brothers and over 1,500 alumni, the chapter has upheld the colony’s standards in recruiting some of the best and brightest aspiring business professionals at UW-Madison.