Frequently Asked Questions

What is DSP?

Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) is a professional co-ed business fraternity guided by our four pillars of professionalism, community service, diversity & inclusion, and brotherhood. DSP internally creates events geared toward fulfilling these pillars, which often involve collaboration with external companies and organizations that choose to work with us, along with outside events with just brothers!

What is the professional benefit of joining DSP?

Our professional pillar involves inviting company speakers to hold presentations and workshops exclusively for our brothers. This provides our brothers with a unique network of business professionals in various career fields that are valuable resources for job searches and general networking. Several brothers have found full-time jobs as a direct result of DSP events and connections. 

How does recruitment work?
Our recruitment consists of two rounds. The first round includes 2 Kickoff events (attending one is mandatory), a Professional event, a Community Service event, and a Brotherhood event. Outside of this, we also offer Dates w/ Deltasigs (optional & ongoing), where you can sign up for a casual 15-minute Zoom call or in-person session with Brothers to connect further and learn more about DSP! 

Recruits are required to attend AT LEAST 3 events during the first round, with at least one of them being a kickoff event. However, we suggest attending as many events as you can, as it can only benefit you to meet more brothers! After attending at least 3 events, recruits will submit an application consisting of a resume, cover letter, and essay, which our brothers will review. The recruits selected for second-round recruitment are invited to the two remaining events, Speed Networking and a Final Interview. Results will be announced shortly thereafter. 

What is Dates with Delta Sigs? 

Dates with Delta Sigs is DSP’s version of a coffee chat. It serves as a way for brothers and recruits to further connect throughout the rush timeline, but is not limited to a specific day. It is a great way to talk to brothers in a smaller setting. 

Dates with Delta Sigs will run throughout both weeks of recruitment with a sign up link posted on the website and the DSP Instagram Page.  Recruits will have a chance to choose from a 15 minute in-person date located in the Grainger School Cafe or on Zoom (both methods equally preferred). There is no limit to the number of dates a recruit can sign up for. 

What year do you have to be to go through recruitment?
In order to be considered for DSP, you must be a current freshman or sophomore. First-semester Juniors can be considered for special circumstances, such as transferring schools or changing majors.

Do you have to be a business major?
We accept all majors in the business school, along with Economics, Personal Finance, Consumer Behavior & Marketplace Studies, and Pre-Business! A certificate in business does not qualify.

What is the dress code for recruitment events?
For the Kickoff events, our dress code is Business Professional. The dress code for the Professional event is Business Casual, and the Community Service and Brotherhood events are Student Casual. Lastly, the dress code for Speed Networking and Final Interviews is Business Professional.

Can I be in a social fraternity/sorority and DSP?
Yes! There is no conflict between social fraternities/sororities and professional fraternities, and we have several brothers in both!

Can you re-rush?
Yes! Recruits can go through recruitment up to 2 times, which we highly suggest!

Further Questions

Any further questions can be directed to our Senior Vice President:

Teresa Le-Vu

Tips for Recruitment

Recruitment Week

  • Be yourself! We want to know the real you, so let your personality shine. At the same time, remember to maintain a balance between authenticity and professionalism.

  • Get the most out of the recruitment process! During rush, try to come to as many events as possible in order to get a chance to meet each brother. Events such as Dates w/ Deltasigs are an optional way to meet with brothers over Zoom or in-person to further connect with brothers and stand out.

  • Try to talk to as many brothers as you can and make meaningful connections! We value genuine conversations and getting to know you as a person rather than focusing solely on professional accomplishments. While we maintain a professional atmosphere, we also want you to feel comfortable being yourself.

  • We’re all just college students, so don’t overthink it! All of us were in your shoes at one point.

  • Utilize the resources given throughout recruitment! The Brother Play Book is a collection of brother’s contact information and details about their time in DSP. It is a great tool to use to learn names and reach out to brothers through.

Speed Networking & Final Interviews

  • Speed Networking is all about being yourself and letting your personality show! Recruits will have the opportunity to talk to every brother, and this is one of your last opportunities to meet brothers and make a lasting impression.

  • As you prepare for your final interviews, remember that professionalism is key. Dress sharp, speak confidently, and show respect at all times. Your professionalism reflects not only on yourself but also on our fraternity as a whole. Take the time to practice beforehand! The Wisconsin School of Business offers many resources – try to practice the STAR method!