Our Chapter



A Message From Our President

On behalf of all Brothers in Delta Sigma Pi (DSP), it is my pleasure to welcome you to our community and thank you for taking the time to learn more about us.

DSP is a Co-Ed Professional Business Fraternity designed to develop our Brothers personally and professionally. As this semester’s President of DSP, it is my honor to lead an organization that has impacted the lives of hundreds of UW-Madison college students who navigate through this foundational and guiding phase of our lives. As other Brothers will tell you, joining DSP was one of the best decisions I’ve made during my time at UW-Madison, and it has helped me persevere through the challenges of college by providing me with a community of like-minded individuals who are driven to achieve alongside each other every day. 

As a freshman several years ago, it was difficult to decide which organizations to join. Like many young and aspirational college students, I wanted to join a group that provided exposure to new people, professional growth, and endless opportunities for fun along the way. I was pleased to discover that DSP seamlessly provides each of these in an all-in-one organization that you can lean on for the rest of college and beyond.

Each Brother creates their own experience in DSP. To discover what yours could look like, I encourage you to attend our Kickoff meeting during our next recruiting period. This is your opportunity to get involved, find a community of peers, and unlock a promise to personal and professional development during your time as a Badger. To learn more about DSP, including what it’s like to be a Brother, read about our four pillars below and explore the rest of our website. 

I look forward to welcoming the next class of Brothers who take advantage of this life-changing opportunity to join Delta Sigma Pi and become a part of our community.

Best regards, 

Derek Schiltz
Delta Sigma Pi – Psi Chapter 


Derek Schiltz


Our Four Pillars

Professional Development

We advance the professional growth of our brothers through frequent events with business leaders in the Madison area and beyond as well as hands-on workshops led by brothers. With 19 leadership positions and a multitude of other ways to get involved, our brothers gain practical experience that allows them to develop organizational, communicative, and critical thinking skills in high responsibility roles. Additionally, with a network featuring hundreds of highly successful alumni, we provide invaluable connections for brothers to utilize not just throughout college, but for life. With all of these resources and opportunities at their disposal, it's no wonder why our brothers have a 96% internship placement rate after being initiated!

Diversity and Inclusion

Delta Sigma Pi believes that individuals and organizations benefit from a wide range of perspectives, and we cultivate a culture of respect that broadens our viewpoints and makes us stronger and more effective leaders. We strive to promote diversity within our chapter and the Wisconsin School of Business, fostering an inclusive and educating environment. You can read more by clicking the link below about the efforts we are taking this year to push for a more diverse and inclusive environment both in our fraternity and the school of business as a whole.


Our brothers learn to cultivate an attitude of service to our communities, supporting cultural and civic organizations that have a significantly positive impact on the lives of individuals and families. By consistently volunteering and creating awareness for organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House, the MACC Fund, and River Food Pantry, we have maintained an excellent reputation among organizations throughout the Madison community.


We’re more than just a professional organization! From study groups to social gatherings, our brothers always cherish the time spent with each other and support each other wholeheartedly in our paths to success, every step of the way. At national events you'll make connections with other collegiate and alumni members so no matter where you go, you can count on your Delta Sigma Pi brothers to support you both personally and professionally. As we like to say here, the friendships and connections made in Delta Sigma Pi aren’t for four years, they’re for life!

 National Honors and Awards


Nationally Recognized Chapter of Excellence for Four Consecutive Years

As defined by the National Fraternity, “A Chapter of Excellence is a chapter that is operationally sound with a well-rounded program that focuses on larger scale events and National Fraternity promotion.” This is the highest recognition that a collegiate chapter can receive under the Chapter Management Program.

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2019 Great lakes region outstanding alumni relations award winner

The Outstanding Alumni Relations Award is awarded yearly to the collegiate chapter of Delta Sigma Pi that best integrates all aspects of alumni relations into their overall operations.

2018 Great Lakes Region Outstanding professional activities award winner

The Outstanding Professional Activities Award is awarded yearly to the collegiate chapter of Delta Sigma Pi that best implements a professional development program centered around practical experience as well as business ethics and integrity.

Great Lakes Region Outstanding Service Activities Award Winner: 2011 and 2017

The Outstanding Service Award is awarded yearly to the collegiate chapter of Delta Sigma Pi that implements the most effective and comprehensive community service program.

Our Brothers Achieve

DSP By the Numbers